MariTeam Shipping Agencies MariTeam Shipping Agencies is a fully independent and privately owned company dedicated to port agency representation, ship clearance, cargo-handling, shipbroking, forwarding and customsclearances. Services Agents & shipbrokers Logistic services Cargo Liquid bulk goods General cargo Dry bulk goods More information & contact
Mondo Minerals B.V. Mondo Minerals B.V. specializes in the production and processing of talc. This mineral has many applications due to its favorable properties. Talc is soft, strong and resistant to acids, oxidation, radiation and aging. Services Processing industry Cargo Industrial minerals More information & contact
Monumentenwerf Amsterdam B.V. Monumentenwerf Amsterdam B.V. processes construction materials originating from historic buildings and pavings. Most of them are high-quality and durable materials that have been replaced during repair works, but can still be of valuable use. Services Circular industry Construction materials Cargo Construction materials More information & contact
OBA Bulk Terminal Amsterdam OBA Group BV runs its dry bulk terminal OBA Bulk Terminal Amsterdam in the Port of Amsterdam. The company is specialized in handling, storage and processing of dry bulk commodities. Services Dry bulk Cargo Agri bulk (dry) Industrial minerals Coal Biomass More information & contact
Olam Cocoa Olam Cocoa operates several cocoa processing facilities in the Amsterdam region, providing its customers with ingredients, blends and recipes that suit their needs. Services Large-scale distribution Food products Research and intelligence Cargo Cocoa More information & contact
Orgaworld Nederland B.V. Orgaworld Netherlands B.V. processes organic waste streams. Services Energy industry Biobased industry Circular industry Cargo Waste & residual flows More information & contact
Paes Maritiem B.V. Paes Maritiem B.V. is a company that is specialized in the extraction of sand, clay and gravel and the trade in these commodities. At the location in the Port of Amsterdam the raw materials are supplied, processed, stored and shipped again. Services Dry bulk Cargo Construction materials More information & contact
Pako Handelsonderneming B.V. Pako Handelsonderneming B.V. is the owner of Klinkerconcurrent. This company specializes in trading old baked paving bricks. Most materials originate from the historic Amsterdam city center. Services Wholesalers Cargo Construction materials More information & contact
Paro PARO specializes in waste processing and the associated logistics. The company recycles construction and demolition waste materials into primary and secondary construction products. Examples of primary construction products are sand and soil. Services Waste processing Cargo Waste & residual flows More information & contact