Pako Handelsonderneming B.V.

This data was last modified in May 2018
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Ondernemingsweg 2G
2404 HN Alphen aan den Rijn

Pako Handelsonderneming B.V. is the owner of Klinkerconcurrent. This company specializes in trading old baked paving bricks. Most materials originate from the historic Amsterdam city center. Some of the bricks are centuries old and have been hidden for decades. They are usually made redundant during street renovation and sewerage work.

Klinkerconcurrent is usually involved from the moment the paving bricks are removed from their location, all the way to delivery to the customer. Upon request, the team even arranges the pavior works at the customer. Apart from baked brick, the material can also be made of natural stone, such as granite, porphyry and grè.