Gebrs. Bouwman sloop- en grondwerken B.V. Gebrs. Bouwman sloop- en grondwerken B.V. specializes in demolition and site preparation. The demolition work includes the stripping of offices and the dismantling of buildings. Services Contracting firms Civil engineering contractors More information & contact
Germabouw B.V. Germabouw B.V. is specialized in rental, sale and assembly of scaffolding materials. The steel and aluminum scaffolds are usually erected by a team of specialists. The company uses products from leading manufacturers. Services Construction materials More information & contact
GLS depot Amsterdam GLS has a regional depot in the Port of Amsterdam. The company offers package logistics, express services and logistics services throughout Europe. The parcel service has a strong European network by road. Services Delivery services for parcels More information & contact
Golden Arrow Olieproducten Amsterdam B.V. Golden Arrow Oil products Amsterdam B.V. is specialist in supply and bunker trade of marine fuels. Its team of oil trade and planning experts ensure that Golden Arrow Olieproducten offers its customers the best price at any time. Services Bunkering Ship suppliers Ship waste & cargo residue Services Bunkering fuel More information & contact
GPS Amsterdam B.V. GPS Amsterdam is a company operating a Class 1 storage and blending facility for gasoline, gasoline components, and bio fuels with c.300,000m³ gross capacity across 20 storage tanks located in the Port of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Services Liquid bulk Cargo Diesel Ethanol Gasoline More information & contact
Graniet Import Benelux B.V. / Graniet Import Benelux B.V. sells Norwegian and Scottish granite. This type of stone is suitable for road construction. It is also applied as aggregate material in concrete. Services Dry bulk Cargo Industrial minerals Construction materials More information & contact
Granuband B.V. Granuband B.V. specializes in the collection and recycling of car tires. At its facility, the company converts used tires into playground tiles, terrace tiles and granules for sports fields with artificial turf. Services Circular industry Recycling More information & contact
Greenergy Greenergy is Europe’s largest manufacturer of waste-based biodiesel, operating three major biodiesel manufacturing facilities, one at the Port of Amsterdam and two on the East Coast of England. Services Biobased industry Cargo Biofuels More information & contact
KB Group KB Group specializes in sustainability, recycling, production and trading of secondary raw materials. Services Dry bulk Rail freight transport Cargo Scrap Steel & metals More information & contact