BMS Security BMS offers various security services, such as port security, object security, event security and hospitality security. Services Consultancy More information & contact
Bnext stands for closing material circles. In more than 25 years we have grown into a sustainable contractor in the demolition sector, recycler of construction and demolition waste and processor of industrial waste. Services Circular industry Waste processing More information & contact
Boat Bike Tours Boat Bike Tours organiseert fiets-vaar-vakanties in Nederland, Belgie, Luxemburg, Frankrijk en Duitsland. Services River cruise More information & contact
Bon Groep B.V. Bon Groep provides services of project development, property management, hotel operation and steel construction. The company specializes in the integral realization of residential and business environments. Services Logistics real estate More information & contact
Boot-en Stuurlieden CV "De Koperen Ploeg" Boot- en Stuurlieden CV "De Koperen Ploeg" specializes in the mooring and unmooring of seagoing vessels. The experts also provide marine consultancy and supplementary crew supply. Services Delivery services for parcels Nautical-technical More information & contact
Bo-rent Bo-rent is a rental company for construction materials and equipment. Products include power generators, woodworking equipment, plumbing tools, pumps, forklifts, aerial work platforms and so on. Services Construction materials More information & contact
Borghese Real Estate Borghese Real Estate realizes a variety of real estate in the Netherlands and steps up as . a business partner for the development of offices, hotels, houses or buildings for wholesale and retail. Services Trading & renting More information & contact
Boskalis Nederland BV Boskalis Nederland is a lead contractor for multidisciplinary infrastructural projects on land and in water. Many of them are related to the construction and maintenance of roads and ports, coastal and river bank protection or land reclamation. Services Civil engineering contractors More information & contact provides rental containers for the removal of debris, green waste and bulky waste. They include waste bins, construction containers and roll containers of various sizes. Services Boxes & pallets More information & contact