Renewi Icova Renewi Icova specializes in collecting, cleaning, transport and processing of waste streams in the Dutch provinces of Noord-Holland, Utrecht and Flevoland. Services Circular industry Recycling Cargo Waste & residual flows More information & contact
Reym B.V. Reym B.V. is a service provider for industrial cleaning, waste transport and waste management. The services include the collection, transport, cleaning, recycling, processing as well as storage of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. Services Ship waste & cargo residue Waste processing Recycling Cargo Waste & residual flows More information & contact
Rhenus Logistics Rhenus Logistics provides logistics services. The company has various own port terminals for loading, unloading, transhipment and warehousing. More information & contact
Rietlanden Terminals B.V. Rietlanden Terminals is an important player in the transhipment of coal, for the benefit of power plants in Germany, other dry bulk and in logistics services. Services Dry bulk Cargo Coal Scrap Construction materials More information & contact
Rijkswaterstaat Zee en Delta (De Staat der Nederlanden) Rijkswaterstaat Zee en Delta is part of Rijkswaterstaat (RWS). Its main task is to allow physical access to the Ports of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp. Services Government More information & contact
Rivièra Maison Rivièra Maison has its head office and a high-quality distribution center in the port of Amsterdam. The retail company sells furniture and interior accessories. Services Large-scale distribution More information & contact
Rochdale Rochdale is a housing association for low-income households. The organization that holds real estate in the Port of Amsterdam. Services Trading & renting More information & contact
Roll Roy Roll Roy is a manufacturer and vendor of painting tools. The Amsterdam facility includes the head office and the paint roller factory, the only one in the Netherlands. Services Wholesalers Painters and decorators More information & contact
Rotim Steenbouw B.V. Rotim Steenbouw B.V. is a supplier of raw materials for infrastructure projects. They include many types of gravel, limestone and track ballast. Services Dry bulk More information & contact