All Weather Terminal B.V.
All Weather Terminal is a modern multimodal canopied terminal for seagoing vessels and inland barges. This all-weather solution allows uninterrupted transshipment, storage and distribution in the facility.
General cargo is cargo that is not transported as bulk or in containers. The port of Amsterdam has a variety of companies specialising in general cargo, in the areas of containers, RoRo, project cargo and heavy lift.
The companies relevant to you are shown below. You can also contact an expert of Port of Amsterdam for more information.
For questions, wishes or more information about doing business in the Amsterdam port region.
Commercial Division
Commercial Manager Cruise & Superyachts
Team Cruise
E-mail: alma.prins@portofamsterdam.com
Commercial Division
Commercial Manager General Cargo
Team Cargo
E-mail: ants.tilma@portofamsterdam.com
Commercial Division
Commercial Manager Offshore
Team Cargo
E-mail: daan.van.velzen@portofamsterdam.com
Commercial Division
Jr. Commercial Manager
Team Real Estate
E-mail: kim.borgmann@portofamsterdam.com