AYOP (Offshore Energy Association)

This data was last modified in October 2024
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De Ruijterkade 7
1013AA Amsterdam

AYOP is an active association with over 110 members. All are companies, regional governments and knowledge and educational institutions active in the offshore oil & gas and wind energy sectors in the North Sea Canal area (NZKG).

The members have a strong focus on offshore wind maintenance (including cable logistics), drilling projects for gas exploration, modifications and maintenance of working vessels and platforms, and the dismantling of offshore structures and vessels. Logistics service providers, HR companies and facility service providers such as caterers and hotels are also members of our association. The entire chain in the offshore industry is represented.

Our strength is that we are a very personal association. The team knows all members personally and maintains a lot of contact. Because we know what is going on in the companies and organisations, we can quickly bring members into contact with each other if that will promote cooperation and business. We also have warm and close contacts with the local authorities, which enables us to promote the interests of the offshore sector in the North Sea Canal area.