Main B.V.
MAIN BV, Netherlands Maritime Waste Collection (Maritieme Afvalstoffen Inzameling Nederland), is a 24/7 service-oriented company that collects and processes waste. The name, MAIN, originated in the maritime sector.
Following investment, service expansion and the collection of waste including waste oil, MAIN now not only collects maritime waste but also collects all types of oil-containing waste originating from the automotive and other industries.
MAIN has various partnerships with sub-contractors, with contractors performing the collection and MAIN BV taking care of the contractor transport. The delivered waste is checked by the acceptor at MAIN for final processing at the terminal in Amsterdam.
MAIN is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and VCA** certificated and, when implementing its activities, aims for precise compliance with the Environmental Protection Act, the National Waste Management Plan and the provisions in licences awarded to MAIN.