Chaincraft Amsterdam B.V.
ChainCraft develops and exploits proprietary fermentation processes to produce biochemicals from organic residues like food waste, agricultural residues, the organic fraction of municipal solid waste or waste water streams. The first aimed biochemicals, Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA) can be used as building blocks in existing and new applications in markets for lubricants, plasticizers, polymers, coatings, animal feed and flavours and fragrances. In 2013 ChainCraft closed their first investment round with Dutch Greentech Fund (part of Rabobank Private Equity) and Horizon 3 Venture Capital as investors. In 2015 ChainCraft succesfully completed its pilot phase. In 2016/2017 ChainCraft engineered and constructed a commercial demonstration facility in the Port of Amsterdam, which will be operational during 2018. The funding of this demo plant has been made possible via RVO (DEI subsidy), Kansen voor West (EFRO and Province of Noord Holland), AKEF, PDENH and Port of Amsterdam.