VCK Logistics – Agency & stevedoring
VCK Logistics ensures that ships can enter and leave the port without any problems. They provide assistance with the customs clearance of the ship and take care of the entire ship administration and all formalities with the port authorities. In this way, VCK Logistics acts as a link between all the different parties in the port.
(River) Cruise ships
VCK Logistics has been focusing for many years on the cruise ships that visit the Netherlands every year. During a cruise call in the Netherlands, they are on site during the entire call and we are in close contact with stevedores, Shore Ops, terminal, authorities and suppliers for a smooth handling.
For questions or a PDA you can send an email to; or call our 24-hour number: +31 20 5877 866, for stevedoring and luggage handling please mail:
Our services:
- Agency
- Baggage handling
- Ship provisioning coordination
- Stevedoring services and warehousing
- Customs formalities
- Reverse logistics
- Maintenance and repair coordination
- Out of the box solutions